
Elon Musk, amenințat de hackeri
Grupul internațional de hackeri Anonymous a publicat recent un mesaj înfiorător pe internet, adresat direct lui Elon Musk. Echipa de hackeri a inregistrat un mesaj video în care declară că Elon Musk devine ținta lor, deoarece manipulează cursul de schimb al criptovalutelor prin tweet-urile sale – scrie dailymail.co.uk.

Hackerii Anonymous au ajuns cunoscuți datorită numeroaselor atacuri importante – printre altele, au reușit să prăbușească rețeaua unor companii mari ca PayPal sau Church of Scientology.
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Elon Musk i-a înfuriat pe hackeri
Din video reiese clar că și hackerii consideră deja că ceea ce face Elon Misk este exagerat. La fel ca și altii, ei sunt de părere că liderul Tesla are o influență prea mare asupra pieței criptovalutelor, lucru de care s-au săturat. Nu demult v-am prezentat că Musk are planuri serioase legate de Dogecoin, însă mulți cred că omul de afaceri „s-a jucat” intenționat cu prețul Bitcoin.
În ultima postare Twitter a acestuia – de săptămâna trecută – apare un hashtag Bitcoin, urmat de un emoji cu o inimă spartă, ceea ce în ochii multora a însemnat o batjocură. Bineînțeles, cursul de schimb a fost cel „păgubit”, de vreme ce cursul principalei criptovalute a început să coboare imediat, înregistrându-se o scădere de 7%. Aceasta pare să fi fost ultima picătură în pahar, ceea ce a determinat faimoasa echipă de hackeri să realizeze un mesaj video anonim.
Iată înregistrarea originală:
Hackerii au luat chestiunea în nume personal și consideră că deși Elon Musk este cel care s-a bucurat de cea mai mare atenție din rândul miliardarilor în ultimul timp, să nu creadă că este și cel mai deștept.
„Poate crezi că ești cea mai deșteaptă persoană pe acest tărâm, dar acum ți-ai găsit omul […].”
De asemenea, aceștia i-au criticat dezvoltările și spun că „nici măcar nu este fondatorul Tesla”, doar a cumpărat compania. Echipa îl mai acuză pe Musk că „salvarea lumii pare a fi mai degrabă legată de complexul său de superioritate și de salvator decât de preocuparea sa reală față de umanitate”.
Totodată, prin tweet-uri a păgubit milioane de mici investitori, fiindcă acești oameni au investit în criptovalute în speranța unui existențe mai bune:
„Este ceea ce tu nu vei înțelege niciodată, fiindcă te-ai născut în mijlocul unei averi furate din minele de smarald ale Africii de Sud și habar nu ai de suferința majorității muncitorilor.”
Hackerii recunosc că fiecare investește pe propria răspundere și sunt conștienți de volatilitatea cursului de schimb al criptomonedelor, dar comportamentul lui Musk reprezintă o lipsă totală de respect față oamenii obișnuiți, față de clasa muncitoare.
„Desigur, își asumă propriul risc atunci când investesc și toată lumea este conștientă de volatilitatea criptovalutelor, dar tweet-urile tale reflectă o lipsă totală de respect față de oamenii obișnuiți, muncitori.”
Conținutul videoului poate fi citit aici, în limba engleză:
Greetings citizens of the world
This is a message from Anonymous, for Elon Musk.
For the past several years you have enjoyed one of the most favorable reputations of anyone in the billionaire class because you have tapped into the desire that many of us have to life in a world with electric cars and space exploration, but recently your carefully created public image is being exposed and people are beginning to see you as nothing more than another narcissistic rich dude who is desperate for attention.
It appears that your quest to save the world is more rooted in a superiority and savior complex than it is in actual concern for humanity. This has been obvious to your employees for a long time who have faced intolerable conditions under your command for years.
It is also obvious to the young children working in your overseas lithium mines which are destroying the local environment as well. You have been open about your willingness to stage coups in order to install dictators in places where your toxic products are being mined. You have even prematurely crowned yourself ‘Emperor of Mars,’ a place where you will be sending people to die.
Your fanboys overlook these issues because they are focused on the potential good that your projects can bring to the world but you are not the only show in town and your competition is growing more intense with each passing day.
There are plenty of other companies working on space exploration and electric vehicles you are just the only CEO who has gained a cult following through sh*tposting and trolling the world on social media. In fact, many people are not learning that the vast majority of Tesla’s income doesn’t come from selling cars, it comes from government subsidies – selling carbon tax credits for your innovation with clean energy
This technically isn’t your innovation though because you aren’t actually the founder of Tesla. You simply purchased the company from two people much more intelligent than you are – Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning
Tesla has also made more money holding Bitcoin for a few months than they did in years of selling cars.
It is also more than likely that this Bitcoin was purchased with money from these government subsidies.
It is now widely believed you have been forced to denounce your company’s involvement with Bitcoin in order to keep that green government money flowing into Tesla’s coffers.
The energy use argument about proof-of-work mining is a very nuanced conversation that requires a fairly complex understanding of how power grids work and how excess energy is wasted by power companies and sought out by crypto miners.
This is a conversation that you have been having for over a year and were intimately aware of but as soon as your main source of income was threatened as your pretended to be clueless in an attempt to play both sides of the fence
Then, your move to create a Bitcoin miner council was rightly seen as an attempt to centralize the industry and take it under your control.
Reading the comments on your Twitter posts, it seems that the games you have played with the crypto markets have destroyed lives.
Millions of retail investors were really counting on their crypto gains to improve their lives. This is something that you will never understand because you were born into the stolen wealth of a South African apartheid emerald mine and have no clue what struggle is like for most of the working people in the world.
Of course, they took the risk upon themselves when they invested, and everyone knows to be prepared for volatility in crypto, but your Tweets this week show a clear disregard for the average working person.
As hardworking people have their dreams liquidated over your public temper tantrums, you continue to mock them with memes from one of your million dollar mansions.
You may think you are the smartest person in the room, but now you have met your match. We are Anonymous! We are legion. Expect us.
Sursa: dailymail.co.uk
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